Apex Legends is the latest Battle Royale game developed by EA and Respawn, taking the fictional background in the far away future. After only a few days of launching, the game quickly became a worldwide gaming trend. For those who are fans of PUBG or Fortnite, this is the next great choice. Apex Legend Mobile has also been confirmed to launch in the near future.
How to get more Apex Coins, Legend Tokens and Crafting Metals?
The gameplay of Apex Legends generally delivers the best of a Battle Royale. In the game, you still have a large map with 60 players at the same time, in which you have to move around and look for weapons, equipment as well as kill opponents and become the last survivor. The important thing that makes the game different is the Legends that players will control. They possess completely unique skills and are really useful in battle.
Apex Legends is a free game on every platform. It is also available on Android, so there will definitely be some ways for the publisher to profit from this game. This appears as in-game transactions such as microtransactions, open the Pack, currency and some other similarities. However, you should not worry that it is a pay-to-win game. Because the game has no items in the store that can give you an advantage in the game. Everything is fair. The outcome of the match depends on skill, team-work and a bit of luck.
Some items can make your character look cool, or install some decorations on weapons … but they absolutely do not affect the performance and fair in the game. Before going back to the intense battles, we provide a specific instruction, which will help you understand more about the Microtransactions in the game and how they work. A few tips will also help you earn more Apex Coins and don’t forget to use them reasonably to buy new items.
Apex Legends Currencies
First, we will talk about the in-game currency. There are three different currencies in Apex Legends: Apex Coins, Legend Tokens and Crafting Metal. Apex Coins are premium items which you cannot get during the game. You can only buy them directly from the store with real money. You can check their prices clearly displayed in the in-game shop. Below is a detailed price list for Apex Coins packages:
- 1,000 Apex Coins – $10 / £8
- 2,000 (+ 150 Bonus) Apex Coins – $20 / £16
- 4,000 (+350 Bonus) Apex Coins – $40 / £32
- 6,000 (+750 Bonus) Apex Coins – $60 / £48
- 10,000 (+1500 Bonus) Apex Coins – $100 / £80
Legend Tokens and Crafting Metal are items that you can get randomly during the game. After every match, whether you win or lose, you will still get some exp. When you get enough Exp, you will level up. At this point, you will receive an Apex Pack, in which the items are random. When you open it, you could receive items with levels to classify (Common, Epic, Rare and Legendary). Sometimes, you may also get some very rare ingredients that are useful in manufacturing and upgrading. The developer also provides more information about items in an Apex Pack and the rate of opening them. You can check through the picture below.
How to use Apex Coins, Legend Tokens and Crafting Metal?
Each currency has its own usage, so you should understand this to not waste what you have because they are hard to earn. We have provided the necessary information about in-game currencies: Apex Coins, Legend Tokens and Crafting Metal. Here’s how you will use them.
Apex Coins
This is the in-game currency that you can only get from making cash transactions, so it is really important and expensive. You can buy most of the items available in the store without the effort of finding materials. Of course, there are some items that require Crafting Metals to build, which you won’t be able to buy.
- Store exclusive cosmetics
- New Legends
Legend Tokens
Use them to unlock new Legends. You can use Legend Tokens in Store exclusive cosmetics.
Crafting Metals
Crafting Metals has many different types of items, which are really important if you want to create a new weapon. With Crafting Metals, you can buy:
- New Legend skins (not store exclusive)
- Banners
- Trackers
- Poses
- Quips
- Finishers
To increase the number of Legend Token and Crafting Metals as quickly as possible, there is nothing but a good performance in battles. The longer you survive, the more experience you will gain. As mentioned, when you get enough experience points, your character will level up with the reward (an Apex Pack). This is the only way to earn Crafting Metals and Legend Token.
Above is all the information that we should know about currencies in Apex Legends. We hope that it will help you use them reasonably to buy in-game items. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.